Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dear Pooky

November 3, 1943

Dear Pooky,
It's my birthday today and I'm going to draw a card for myself. There aren't many birthday gifts lying around these days, but even through this terrible conflict, I refuse to lose faith in people. I still believe they are good inside.

Take street urchins. They smell like urine and are always trying to pick your pocket, but if you take one off the streets and teach him manners and dress him up in clean clothes, why, he'd be just like you. (But still not even approaching me.)

Take the death squads. Take any one of those brutes out of his unit. Give him a happy new wardrobe. And maybe rig him with a remotely controlled, subcutaneous, electronic torture instrument, which you could use to shock him every time he refuses or fails to demonstrate kindness. Eventually, they'd be just like you. You might only need to be careful, when you are forcing him to pet the puppy, not to accidentally shock the dog.

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© 2010. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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