Friday, September 17, 2010

Clam You

There's a Twilight Zone from the original series about a child with omnipotent powers. He rules the Earth like a tyrant.

Children, entirely unpretentious, allow their Freudian beasts to run wild, especially at play. This beast is akin to both the little devil with your face that sits on your shoulder, whispering in your ear to go ahead and do bad things, and the alien monster, disguised as a friendly angel, from the Star Trek episode, And the Children Shall Lead.

In my case, I used to like stomping my foot in shallow water to make those underwater sand clouds that mimicked a bomber's view of a successfully released payload. And I used to make the explosion sound while I did it. I just thought it looked cool. And it gave me a sense of power - but not over the sharp-edged clams, sticking up from their cleverly dug trenches.

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